Air Duct Refurbishment

The Importance of Air Duct Refurbishment
Damaged or broken air ducts cause you to lose the warm or cool air that your HVAC system is pumping throughout your home. At Atticare, we can inspect all your air ducts and make sure they are sealed and working to their full potential!
The Importance of Air Duct Refurbishment
Damaged or broken air ducts cause you to lose the warm or cool air that your HVAC system is pumping throughout your home. At Atticare, we can inspect all your air ducts and make sure they are sealed and working to their full potential!

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Air Duct Refurbishment

All buildings with air conditioning or forced-air heating systems have a ductwork system made of supply and return ducts. Supply ducts convey air that has been conditioned to your living space, and return ducts move the air back to your AC system for reconditioning. After years of use, these ducts can fill with dust and debris, causing a lower indoor air quality than before. To keep your heating and cooling systems running in optimal condition, you’ll need regular air duct cleaning and maintenance. As homeowners, we often take for granted that our HVAC systems are always working behind the scenes to keep us comfortable. We adjust our thermostats and enjoy the warm or cool air that blows from the vents around our home, but we rarely, if ever, take a look at how it all works. That is, until a problem arises.

Air Duct Refurbishment Process

As we mentioned above, the air duct repair or replacement process begins with a free inspection. During this initial assessment, we will take a look at the air ducts that run through your attic and crawl space in search of any damage or irregularities that could indicate an issue.

We will notify you of our findings and depending on the severity of the problem, make recommendations to either fix or replace the air duct. Now that we have a better understanding.

Our goal is to save our customers money and help them make wise investments, so we will always consider repair as a first option before recommending a more costly replacement.
With your permission, we will move forward with addressing all of the leaks or damage we have uncovered and make sure your air ducts are properly sealed and sufficiently insulated to prevent future issues.
The Benefits of Air Duct Refurbishment
Having your air ducts properly installed and insulated offers a whole host of benefits to your home, finances and health beyond just making sure your HVAC system is working as efficiently as possible:

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(509) 906-1879


10333 NE 1st St. #154

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  • Attic Insulation Replacement
  • Crawl Space Insulation Replacement
  • Rodent Proofing
  • Mold Remediation
  • Attic & Crawl Space Ventilation Solutions
  • Air Duct Refurbishment
  • Air Sealing
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